Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Sales Dogs" Training Video by Blair Singer

Millionaire Mindset You Can Have!

Many of us would love to have more money in their bank accounts. Yes?

Everytime we update our bank savings account book, we look at the balance amount with a blank expression. I believe many of us are not too happy with what we have just seen. Not enough zeros behind numbers we just saw in the bank book. Yes?

Whatever reasons you are tempted to give does not matter. You reap what you sowed, that's what most people are taught. Have you ever wondered why you sowed so little even though you "knew" that you had to sow more in the beginning?

The answer lies in our value systems deep down in our souls!

When our values do not match with what we intended to do, for example, that is to be RICH, to be a millionaire by age 40... we will never be one!

What is your deep down values? Do you despise, frown upon, dislike or hate the rich and their possessions? Do you stop others from thinking or dreaming about getting rich too?
Some people equate rich people as greedy people, rich people as corrupted people, people who pulled strings to get to where they were. Rich, is a negative word in their dictionaries.

These people will NEVER be rich. "FULL STOP".

If you want to learn how to be rich, read "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" book authored by T. Harv Eker. Check out his website at for a great transformation in the way you think.

Once you have decided to be RICH, give me a call at 9001-1082 and I will help you plan for your financial security and success! Yes?

Monday, December 01, 2008

Wealth Protection - How Much Is Enough?

Many times, we read about "other" people getting murdered, dying from accidents, dying from natural causes, committing suicide, sudden unexplained deaths at home and abroad, killed by terrorists and dying from major illnesses.

Has it ever occured to you that one day, that "other" person will be YOU? Other people also think that other people, not them, will be next to go. So who will be the next to die?

The Greek Philosopher, PLATO, once said: "There is no certainty than the certainty of death and there is no uncertainty than the moment and timing of death."
Death is certain but when will it happen? No one knows!

When that happens, are we prepared mentally, spiritually and financially?

Here I will address the FINANCIAL issues since we know for sure one day we will die...)

1) Upon death, we have to set aside enough funds for the family expenses and savings to last till our youngest child is independent financially. 25 years old is a good goal to set. You may want more if the child is not mentally capable to take care of itself.

2) But what if we don't die immediately, what if we are disabled after an illness or by a freak traffic accident? You may have to get an income that will take care of at least 75% of your monthly income till your intended retirement age. Most people can still get on with their lives after a reduction of 25% of their income by giving up some of their luxuries.

3) But what if we fall terribly sick and need lots of medical attention, both in and out of hospital? We need a good hospitalisation expenses reimbursement plan plus get an amount of money that can provide us with 3 years of our annual income as most people can't live past the third year. If you get past the third year, you will need another year or two to get back into the main stream society by taking enrichment courses or upgrade your skills. Another lump sum of 2 to 3 times your annual income will take care of any immediate expenses that you need to get out of the country to recuperate or spend it in any way you deem necessary to help you recover as soon as possible.

Remember, it is not the person who lies in the coffin who suffers BUT the surviving loved ones who will suffer if there is not enough financial provision. A traditional Chinese funeral can cost more than $30,000 in Singapore! Mourners will say "yes" to funeral directors when they are emotionally unstable. They want the best for the deceased.

So, if you think you want to do something now while you are alive, why not give me a call to discuss how a financial plan can prevent these miserable moments in your family.

Do you still want to provide the best for your loved ones when you are no longer around?

I can be reached at 9001-1082 if your answer is "YES"