Saturday, December 20, 2008

Millionaire Mindset You Can Have!

Many of us would love to have more money in their bank accounts. Yes?

Everytime we update our bank savings account book, we look at the balance amount with a blank expression. I believe many of us are not too happy with what we have just seen. Not enough zeros behind numbers we just saw in the bank book. Yes?

Whatever reasons you are tempted to give does not matter. You reap what you sowed, that's what most people are taught. Have you ever wondered why you sowed so little even though you "knew" that you had to sow more in the beginning?

The answer lies in our value systems deep down in our souls!

When our values do not match with what we intended to do, for example, that is to be RICH, to be a millionaire by age 40... we will never be one!

What is your deep down values? Do you despise, frown upon, dislike or hate the rich and their possessions? Do you stop others from thinking or dreaming about getting rich too?
Some people equate rich people as greedy people, rich people as corrupted people, people who pulled strings to get to where they were. Rich, is a negative word in their dictionaries.

These people will NEVER be rich. "FULL STOP".

If you want to learn how to be rich, read "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" book authored by T. Harv Eker. Check out his website at for a great transformation in the way you think.

Once you have decided to be RICH, give me a call at 9001-1082 and I will help you plan for your financial security and success! Yes?

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