Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why You Need A Good Hospitalisation and Outpatient Expenses Insurance Plan

Most Singaporeans would have heard of this phrase spoken during coffeeshop talk:

"Singaporeans cannot afford to be sick, it is better to dead!!!" Most would have nodded their heads in agreement... Why?

It is because their experience with hospitals and medical specialists were that it cost them an arm and a leg after visiting them. They saw expensive European cars parked outside the private hospitals and these cars usually belonged to the surgeons and doctors at the hospitals.

Their CPF Medisave as well as their children's were usually depleted after a long and serious illness or a bad accident. Bank accounts were wiped clean plus family squabbles about the medical bill took a mental toll on family members.

Everyone had a valid reason not to pay for the medical bills.

My suggestion to all my readers out there...

Please buy a good insurance plan that will cover all these medical expenses so that:

1) You will not hesitate to see a specialist when you are unwell. Early detection will save your life.
2) You will have a FREE yearly medical check.
3) You do not have to pay a single cent if hospitalised.
4) Even if you are not hospitalised, you will get back your money after test or scan.
5) You will be compensated for Pre and Post hospitalisation expenses.
6) You are covered 24 hours a day anywhere in Asia or world wide, etc, etc.......

Start now while you are healthy, call me now for a quotation.
Please refer me to your spouse, relative, colleague or close friend if you think they are not adequately insured.

Please do not call me if you already had a heart by-pass, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, cancer etc... it is too late now. Just concentrate on taking care of your health. So sorry that I can't help you as you are not insurable anymore.

Thank you and have a blessed week!

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